HC Deb 21 April 1952 vol 499 cc11-2
21. Miss Elaine Burton

asked the Minister of Supply if he is aware that the hon. Member for Coventry, South, submitted to him, some time ago, detailed evidence concerning the non-return of car deposits upon request; and, as such refusal is contrary to his announced policy, what action he proposes to take.

The Minister of Supply (Mr. Duncan Sandys)

Yes, Sir. The action I took, and of which the hon. Lady has been informed, is to send on to the British Motor Trade Association the particulars contained in her letter. The results of their inquiries, so far as they have gone, are being forwarded to the hon. Member.

Miss Burton

While, as the right hon. Gentleman is probably aware, the public are glad of the result achieved in the matter of deposits, does he not think that the information which I sent to him as long ago as this was sent should by now have produced a reply from the people concerned?

Mr. Sandys

It is really not my responsibility to make all these detailed inquiries. The hon. Lady sent me certain particulars of individual cases about which she had complaints to make, and I forwarded them, as an act of courtesy, to the British Motor Trade Association; but it is not part of my business to look into these questions.

Miss Burton

Does the right hon. Gentleman recall that he informed me in the House that he would be glad to receive any such details concerning irregularities?

Mr. Sandys

And, having received them, I forwarded them to the proper quarter.

24. Miss Burton

asked the Minister of Supply whether, as the Government have approved the suggestion made by the retail side of the motor industry that deposits paid shall be returned at the customer's request unless delivery is expected in the near future, he will take steps to make illegal those contracts refusing such return when prolonged delay is admitted by the firm itself.

Mr. Sandys

No, Sir. As I have already told the hon. Lady more than once, I am not prepared to seek powers to control the arrangements for the sale of motor cars.

Miss Burton

Will the right hon. Gentleman agree that the action taken by the motor trade last week is proof that everything that I and my hon. Friends have said about deposits is correct? Will he also agree that all deposits should be returned? Will he now turn his attention to the allocation of cars to car-hire firms and ask the trade for a report on the numbers?

Mr. Sandys

The hon. Lady evidently believes in the maxim, "Never take 'No' for an answer."

Miss Burton

May I, in Leap Year, ask the right hon. Gentleman if he is aware that six times I have accepted his suggestion that we should go together to St. Martin's Lane and look at the prices of secondhand cars?

Mr. Sandys

I am sorry if I have not understood the position. I thought it was a joke. I hope the hon. Lady will not sue me for breach of promise.