HC Deb 03 April 1952 vol 498 c1887
13. Mr. Peter Remnant

asked the Minister of Health what rate of pay is granted to a member of the N.H.S. Reserve during the annual 48-hour refresher course.

Mr. Crookshank

Trained nurses are paid at the rates appropriate to their grades under Whitley Council agreements. Nursing auxiliaries are paid 1s. 10d. an hour for part-time service and receive free meals on duty. If employed full-time they are paid the appropriate proportion of a full-time salary of £225 a year, assuming they have had no previous full-time service as a nursing auxiliary.

Mr. Remnant

Would my right hon. Friend agree that 2s. 9d. an hour is about the average rate for refresher courses, and since it is, if anything, a little below the rate earned by charwomen, does he think that it is adequate?

Mr. Crookshank

All I can say is that the National Hospital Service Reserve is the only one of the Civil Defence services which pays its members for refresher courses.

Mr. Remnant

That is not the point.