HC Deb 29 November 1951 vol 494 cc1712-3
49. Mr. Clifford Kenyon

asked the Minister of Agriculture if provision can be made for those poultry farmers whose stocks have been destroyed because of fowl pest, to take up pig feeding until the area is declared a free area again.

Sir T. Dugdale

Yes, Sir. We have decided that such poultry farmers can draw temporary rations for fattening pigs, on a scale similar to that under the extended rationing scheme. When the land can be restocked with poultry, the normal basic poultry rations will be restored.

50. Mr. Kenyon

asked the Minister of Agriculture if compensation will be paid to those poultry farmers who are not permitted to sell day old chicks because they live in a fowl-pest area, and have to destroy the chicks as hatched.

Sir T. Dugdale

No, Sir. I have no power to pay compensation in such circumstances. Arrangements have been made under which poultry farmers who have day old chicks to sell will be allowed to dispose of them if that can be done without risk of spreading infection. I am informed that, so far, no poultry farmer in the Lancashire area who has asked for permission to dispose of his day old chicks has had to be refused.

53. Mr. Kenyon

asked the Minister of Agriculture what steps are taken to ensure the proper disinfection of egg boxes and feedingstuffs bags which are used in the area of the Lancashire fowl pest outbreak.

Sir T. Dugdale

As I informed my hon. Friend the Member for Clitheroe (Mr. Fort), on 22nd November, I understand that packing stations in Lancashire destroy egg boxes from premises on which fowl pest is suspected to exist. My veterinary officers see that feedingstuffs bags on infected premises are properly disinfected.