HC Deb 28 November 1951 vol 494 c1487

Standing Order 132, line 3, at end, add: (3) The quorum of every such Committee shall be Three. Standing Order 188, line 3, leave out "Sessional or. Standing Order 209, line 1, leave out "or," and insert "the Private Bill Office and all. Lines 2 and 3, leave out "the Private Bill," and insert "that. Lines 3 and 4, leave out "in that Office.

The House will remember that the week before last we passed a large number of Amendments to the Private Business Standing Orders. I should like respectfully to apologise for the fact that one or two were left out on that day, and I would like very much the House to pass them now, because we hope to have the book of Standing Orders reprinted during the Christmas Adjournment. The Amendments I am moving are more or less of a drafting nature, and it was owing to a clerical error, for which I apologise, that they were omitted.

The Under-Secretary of State for Air (Mr. Nigel Birch)

I beg to second the Motion.

Question put, and agreed to.