HC Deb 22 November 1951 vol 494 c546
21. Mr. James Johnson

asked the Minister of Education to what extent the proposed economies in education will affect the future of divisional executives.

Miss Horsbrugh

I am considering the need to secure economy in the education service without reducing its efficiency. Until I have completed my review I am not in a position to make any statement.

Mr. Johnson

Is the Minister aware that when in Opposition the Chancellor of the Exchequer expressed some disquieting views on this matter and that we are not very happy to hear her answer today?

Miss Horsbrugh

I am sorry that the hon. Gentleman is not happy. I hope the information I shall be giving later will show that any disquieting views he holds are without foundation.

Mr. Pannell

When the hon. Lady considers the future of the divisional executives, will she also consider the need for the democratic control of a local education service reasonably near to the children in the schools and not remotely situated in some far-away county town?

Miss Horsbrugh

I can assure the hon. Gentleman that I shall do that. I have always been against too much centralisation and in favour of as much local opinion and local authority as possible.