HC Deb 15 November 1951 vol 493 cc1166-7
50. Mr. Donnelly

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will make a statement on the future of the fishing industry.

Sir T. Dugdale

The Government intend to make full use of the White Fish Authority and the Herring Industry Board in furthering the efficiency and prosperity of the fishing industry.

The White Fish Authority are now engaged, in consultation with the recently constituted White Fish Industry Advisory Council, in formulating plans on a number of specific subjects falling within their sphere, but the hon. Member would not expect me to go into detail about them while they are still under consideration by the industry itself.

The Herring Industry Board, by the arrangements they have made for the encouragement of home consumption and of exports, and for the reduction of surplus herring to oil and meal, have done much to ease the economic difficulties of the herring industry, and we shall look forward to a continuation of their active help.

Mr. Donnelly

Does the right hon. and gallant Gentleman not agree that, as the winter advances and fish becomes more and more scarce, it is very important that the White Fish Authority should give consideration to a comprehensive scheme to keep down the prices of fish to the housewives, while, at the same time, in no way affecting the needs of the producer section?

Captain J. A. L. Duncan

Can my right hon. and gallant Friend say whether the White Fish Authority have under consideration the question of transport?

Sir T. Dugdale

Perhaps my hon. and gallant Friend will put down a Question on that point.

Miss Ward

Can my right hon. and gallant Friend say when he expects to be in a position to receive the first report from the White Fish Authority?

Sir T. Dugdale

Not at this stage.