HC Deb 14 November 1951 vol 493 cc968-9
34. Dr. A. D. D. Broughton

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he will exempt old-age pensioners from the cost of radio licences.

Mr. Gammans

The Government regret that they are unable to give old age pensioners preferential treatment in this respect.

Dr. Broughton

Will the hon. Gentleman and the Postmaster-General look into this question again? The proposal does not ask for a great deal, and if the Minister will grant this concession it will be very much appreciated by retired persons.

Mr. Gammans

This is a concession which, like other concessions, I think any Government would like to make, but I very much doubt if it is possible at the present time.

Mr. Shurmer

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that while some old age pensioners are living with relatives the£1 licence may not seem great, but to those living alone it deprives them of having a wireless set? Surely we can give them in their old age some concession even by doing it on the basis of the tobacco concession given to old age pensioners, by giving it at a cut price?

Mr. Gammans

Both this and the previous Government found that they could not grant this concession.

Mr. Hale

Why does the hon. Gentleman say "at the present time"? What is there about the present time? Surely this is completely practicable. Is it not obvious that the hon. Gentleman has not had adequate time to consider this matter in the few days he has had in his new office? Will he not start to consider it?

Mr. Gammans

I can hold out no hope that this concession will be possible.