HC Deb 14 November 1951 vol 493 c951
Mr. James Simmons

On a point of order. I desire to seek your guidance, Mr. Speaker, concerning a Question I sought to put on the Order Paper. Should I raise it now or at the end of Questions?

Mr. Speaker

The hon. Member can raise his point of order at any time.

Mr. Simmons

I submitted today to the Table a Question addressed to the Chairman of the Kitchen Committee. It was refused. No doubt it was correctly refused, but I seek your guidance because I was told that this was a matter for the Serjeant at Arms' Department. I want to know whether this matter can be raised in the House, seeing that the Serjeant at Arms' Department is not down for Questions. It was a matter of unauthorised persons using the Members' dining rooms.

Mr. Speaker

I would point out that there is an Order on the Order Paper to set up the Kitchen Committee, and until that Committee has been set up it would not be appropriate to address any Questions to the Chairman. One of the first things that this Select Committee will have to do is to elect its Chairman. As to the other point, if the hon. Member will give me notice of it I will deal with it tomorrow, if that is agreeable to him.

Mr. Simmons indicated assent


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