HC Deb 14 November 1951 vol 493 cc952-3
2. Lieut.-Colonel W. H. Bromley-Davenport

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the present position with regard to the applications for compensation resulting from the collision between H.M. Submarine "Truculent" and the Swedish ship "Divina" in view of the dismissal by the Admiralty Court of the Admiralty claim for a limitation of its liability in that connection.

Mr. J. P. L. Thomas

The Admiralty's liability, if the limitation claim had succeeded, would have been£6,246. An undertaking was given in court that this sum should be made immediately available for distribution to the claimants. Any further payment depends on whether we appeal against the decision of the Admiralty Court. We are now considering this and intend to take a decision at a very early date.

Lieut.-Colonel Bromley-Davenport

I am afraid that I could not hear my right hon. Friend's reply. Has any payment been made, up to date, to these unfortunate people?

Mr. Thomas

No, Sir. It is a matter of law. The sum is£6,246. That sum was paid into court and will be distributed to those concerned.

Sir Herbert Williams

Why should ships not follow the example of motor cars and take out a third-party insurance policy?