HC Deb 12 November 1951 vol 493 cc638-9
31. Miss Ward

asked the Minister of Transport what inquiries have been made by his inspectors into accidents at Central Station, Newcastle-on-Tyne, within the last six months; and what recommendations were made.

Mr. Maclay

One formal inquiry into a train accident at Newcastle Central station has been held within the last six months. This was into the collision between two electric passenger trains on 17th August, in which three persons lost their lives. I have not yet received the report by the Chief Inspecting Officer of Railways, who held the inquiry, and cannot therefore say what recommendations it may contain. I will send my hon. Friend a copy of the report when it is issued.

In the period in question, inquiries were held into two accidents involving injuries to railway servants. In the report on one inquiry, a recommendation was made regarding stricter adherence to a rule concerning the safety of staff, and in the other no recommendation was made.

Miss Ward

In view of the general public disquiet at railway accidents will my hon. Friend consider issuing a White Paper giving the various accidents, the recommendations that have been made by the inspectors and the action that has been taken as a result?

Mr. Maclay

That proposal would require very careful thought, as a matter of general principle. I will certainly consider what my hon. Friend has said.