§ 40. Mr. E. L. Mallalieuasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether in view of the failure of the appeal for recruits to the police forces to attract sufficient men to bring the forces up to establishment, and, in view of the large numbers of trained and experienced officers leaving the service and of the high average efficiency in the police forces and the fact that their small size diminishes the chance of promotion, he will consider increases in the payment of the police to be made on the basis of a rising scale, in accordance with seniority in the service coupled with efficiency and independent of promotion.
§ Mr. EdeThe present scale of pay for constables, containing in addition to annual increments in the earlier years of service automatic increments at 10, 15 and 22 years' service, was introduced in July, 1949, on the recommendation of the Oaksey Committee in substitution for an earlier system which provided special increments for special zeal and efficiency, which were not generally popular in the service, and long-service increments in the latter years of service. While I share the hon. Member's desire that the present manpower difficulties from which the police service is suffering should be resolved and his appreciation of its high average efficiency, the recruiting picture is not so universally dismal as he suggests, and I am not satisfied that the modified pay system which he proposes would represent any real improvement on the present one or secure the support of the service or the Police Council. A meeting of the Council is being held in the near future to consider an application which has been made by the representative organisations of the service for an increase in police pay.
§ Mrs. BraddockCan my right hon. Friend say what is meant by the near future? This answer was given to me over 18 days ago.