HC Deb 08 March 1951 vol 485 cc662-3
56. Mr. William Paling

asked the Minister of Agriculture if he has considered introducing a marketing scheme for home-produced fruit and vegetables by which more equitable prices would be available to growers and consumers alike.

Mr. T. Williams

If my hon. Friend has in mind a scheme under the Agricultural Marketing Acts, such a scheme can only be introduced by producers. whose representatives have, I understand, been considering the subject seriously for some time.

Mr. Paling

Is my right hon. Friend aware that in the first instance this Question was put down to the Minister of Food, as I knew that certain Ministers had been in consultation with the growers on this particular matter, and that my Question was then transferred to his Department? Is he further aware that at the present time prices for fruit and vegetables are fabulously high and the consumer is having to pay prices very much in excess of what he should pay? Will the Minister do something about this in conjunction with his colleagues?

Mr. Williams

The initiative of a marketing scheme will have to come from the producers themselves. If the producers feel disposed to prepare a marketing scheme for fruit and vegetables we should be happy to look at it.

Mr. Paling

Is my right hon. Friend aware that this is a question for producers and consumers, and that consumers are very disturbed about the whole position? Will he look at it from their point of view rather than that of the producers, if the producers are not willing to come forward with a marketing scheme?

Mr. Williams

Only the producers have statutory power to submit a marketing scheme to my Department.

Mr. Awbery

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the price given to the primary producer and the price paid by the consumer is so vastly different that it is causing a great amount of unpleasantness and disgust among the people? Will he take steps to eliminate the difference in price between the producer and the consumer?

Mr. Deedes

Will the right hon. Gentleman point out to his hon. Friends that there is no subsidy and no guaranteed price for these commodities and that that is why the price seems higher in relation to other commodities?

Mr. Paling

With reference to the last interjection, is my right hon. Friend aware that English apples were on sale last week at a shop near here at 2s. 6d. per lb. when the producers were receiving only 5d. a lb.?