HC Deb 07 March 1951 vol 485 c418
20. Mr. Deedes

asked the Postmaster-General when the vacancy of chairman on the Imperial Telecommunications Board will be filled.

Mr. Ness Edwards

Under the Commonwealth Telegraphs Agreement, the chairman of the Board is to be appointed jointly by the partner Governments, who have the matter under consideration.

Mr. Deedes

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this vacancy has existed now for four months? In view of the very serious problems confronting the Board, will he treat the matter as one of urgency?

Mr. Ness Edwards

It is a matter of urgency. The hon. Gentleman is wrong in his time factor. We have not been idle for four months, and we are pressing the Commonwealth Governments to come to a decision on this matter.

Mr. Deedes

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the chairmanship was vacated on the 27th November, and I make that four months ago?