HC Deb 21 June 1951 vol 489 cc697-8
38. Mr. Baird

asked the Minister of Health what are the qualifications of the newly appointed Chairman of the Birmingham Regional Hospital Board for that appointment.

Mr. Marquand

The Chairman has had long experience of hospital and health work, and since the inception of the National Health Service has been Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board and of an important hospital management committee.

Mr. Baird

Does my right hon. Friend realise that this appointment caused widespread disappointment in the Midlands and will he tell me why the present vice-chairman of the Board with even better qualifications, being an alderman of Birmingham City Council, chairman of its Finance Committee and leader of the Labour group, was overlooked for this appointment?

Mr. Marquand

No, Sir, I am not prepared to make comparisons between individuals in this way. I am, of course, aware, as we must all be that whenever appointments are made some people may be disappointed.

Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this appointment was generally welcomed in Birmingham because of the outstanding record in health administration of Mr. Grosvenor, notably his maintenance of the high standard of the Birmingham health services and hospitals during the difficult time of the war?

Mr. Marquand

I am hoping that this exchange across the Floor of the House will not give the impression that any party consideration entered into the appointment.

39. Mr. Baird

asked the Minister of Health if his attention has been drawn to the speech of the Chairman of the Birmingham Regional Hospital Board on 7th June, in which he attacked his Department for its opposition to the Voluntary Leagues of Hospital Friends; and if he will appoint a new chairman.

Mr. Marquand

I have seen a newspaper report, the terms of which I naturally regret, but I think that the Chairman must be under some misapprehension which I shall endeavour to clear up.

Mr. Baird

Will my right hon. Friend appreciate that this gentleman is one of the most reactionary Tories of Birmingham and has always been an enemy of the National Health Service?