HC Deb 14 June 1951 vol 488 cc2493-6
22. Mr. Osborne

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will give separately the 34 Orders which since 1st March, 1951, raised manufacturers' maximum prices or distributors' prices, giving also the percentage increase on each item.

Sir H. Shawcross

With the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of the 34 orders, with a rough estimate of the percentage increase in maximum prices in respect of the classes of goods covered by each order. As these orders cover many thousands of items, it is not practicable to give figures in respect of each item.

Mr. Osborne

Could the President say, roughly, how many of these 34 items are reflected in the cost-of-living index, and will he see, since they really affect to a considerable degree the ordinary working-class budget, that they are reflected in that index?

Sir H. Shawcross

I should have to have notice of that question. I cannot attempt to answer, in respect of all the thousands of items concerned, how many are included in the cost-of-living index. Most of the significant ones I believe to be so included.

Mr. E. L. Mallalieu

Can my right hon. and learned Friend say in how many of these 34 cases an attempt was made to prevent manufacturers from receiving the higher prices by the Opposition's praying against the orders?

Mr. Burden

Will the right hon. and learned Gentleman assure his hon. Friends that price increases were permitted only after careful consideration of the increases in the costs of raw materials, and that they do not mean much larger profits to the manufacturers?

Sir H. Shawcross

It may indeed be asked why, in those circumstances, hon. Members prayed against the orders, but I am most anxious to ensure, whether by Prayers from the other side of the House or by any other method, that maximum prices are not increased unless there is the most complete justification for their being increased after costing examination of the manufacturers' accounts.

Mr. R. S. Hudson

Does not the right hon. and learned Gentleman realise—after a little more experience in his office he will realise—that Prayers provide excellent opportunities of assuring the House of the correctness of his statements?

Following is the list:

Operative Date of Order Order No. Goods Affected Maximum Price Increases
Per cent.
5.3.51 S.I.297 Nurses' Utility Uniforms (cotton) 12 to 25
5.3.51 S.I.298 Utility Gaberdine Raincoats:—
Wool 2*
Cotton 8 to 12
5.3.51 S.I.303 Pram Rugs 22 to 30
5.3.51 S.I.312 Carpets 5 to 25
14.3.51 S.I.376 Utility Industrial Overalls and Merchant Navy Uniforms 5 to 21
2.4.51 S.I.395 Utility Knitted Cotton Cloth 4
Utility Knitted Astrakhan Stockinette 15
Utility Knitted Silk and Rayon Stockings 9 to 13
19.3.51 S.I.398 Men's, Youths' and Boys' Utility Outerwear:—
Garments made from cheaper cloths 6 to 28
19.3.51 S.I.399 Utility Braces 17½ to 27
19.3.51 S.I.400 Men's and Boys' Utility Shirts, Underwear and Nightwear:—
Cotton 15*
Wool 25*
19.3.51 S.I.401 Corsets 5 to 30
19.3.51 S.I.421 General Hollow ware:—
Tinned Steel 19
Galvanised 2
16.4.51 S.I.585 Utility Handkerchiefs 2½ to 15
15.5.51 S.I.586 Women's and Maids' Utility Outerwear:—
Wool 23*
Rayon 10*
10.4.51 S.I.600 Men's and Boys' Utility Shirts, Underwear and Nightwear:—
Certain cotton garments 2 to 5
23.4.51 S.I.650 Utility Apparel Cloths:—
Cotton, Cotton Mixture and Linen 2½ to 15
23.4.51 S.I.651 Utility Household Textiles 3½ to 15
23.4.51 S.I.655 Cast Iron Hollow ware 10 to 22½
1.5.51 S.I.661 Utility Knitted Cloth and Garments of which:—
Cotton goods 10*
Silk goods 16*
Wool goods 20*
27.4.51 S.I.682 Utility Lace and Woven Curtain Net 9 to 38
4.5.51 S.I.731 Utility Gaberdine Raincoats:—
Wool 20*
Cotton 2*
7.5.51 S.I.750 Utility Stools
3.5.51 S.I.766 Men's and Boys' Utility Shirts Underwear and Nightwear:—
Knitted Rayon 4 to 8
11.5.51 S.I.788 Linoleum 6 to 10½
Printed Felt Base 10
15.5.51 S.I.810 Women's and Maids' Utility Outerwear:—
Certain Cotton Garments 7½ to 15
21.5.51 S.I.842 Certain Utility Corsets 3 to 6
18.5.51 S.I.846 Perambulators 12½
22.5.51 S.I.851 Utility Woven Rayon Apparel Cloths 3½ to 16½
22.5.51 S.I.863 Women's and Maids' Utility Underwear and Nightwear:—
Knitted Rayon Garments 6 to 8
Certain Cotton Garments 7½ to 15
23.5.51 S.I.872 Men's, Youths' and Boys' Utility Outerwear Up to 28
31.5.51 S.I.893 Utility Woven Blankets 15
28.5.51 S.I.894 Women's Utility Domestic Overalls and Aprons:—
Rayon 8 to 10
Cotton 2½ to 5
30.5.51 S.I.900 Most Infants' and Girls' Utility Light Outerwear 11 to 20
31.5.51 S.I.924 Candles (common paraffin wax) 20
4.6.51 S.I.940 Non-upholstered Utility Furniture:— 7½ to 15
Spring Mattresses 5 to 39
Cane and Woven Fibre Furniture 14 to 20
* Estimated Average Increase.