HC Deb 14 June 1951 vol 488 cc2508-9
43. Brigadier Prior-Palmer

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he will make a statement about the plans for the organisation of Civil Defence in industrial and commercial premises.

Mr. de Freitas

Plans for the organisation of Civil Defence units in industrial and commercial premises have been published today as Industrial Bulletin No. 1 and the distribution of copies to those immediately affected will begin this evening. Copies of the Bulletin are available in the Vote Office. It is not intended to seek to impose obligations on either employers or workpeople at this stage, but I am confident that everyone will co-operate to make a success of this part of our defence preparations. The Government proposes to organise Civil Defence in Government premises in the ways proposed in the Bulletin.

Brigadier Prior-Palmer

Would the hon. Gentleman say whether, contained in the Bulletin, are regulations which are more flexible than were the ones in the war, which resulted in Civil Defence units in factories and Government offices being forbidden to take part in rescue work outside those premises? There were occasions when such units had to watch rescue squads operating on the other side of the street, themselves being unable to help? Will he look into it?

Mr. de Freitas

Certainly. I believe that hon. Members who study this Bulletin will see that it is a very great improvement as a result of our experiences during the last war.

Mr. Nabarro

Can the hon. Gentleman give an assurance that adequate supplies of training material will be readily available for factory defence units?

Mr. de Freitas

I am not aware that there has been any shortage. I will look into that point in the future.