HC Deb 04 June 1951 vol 488 c662
20. Miss Irene Ward

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power on what grounds 24th April was fixed as the day for issuing his instructions for cutting-off heating; to what classes of undertakings these instructions were sent; and why decisions on a matter of this kind are not left in the hands of the managements of individual establishments.

Mr. P. Noel-Baker

With respect, I think the hon. Member must have been misinformed. No such instructions have been issued by my Department.

Miss Ward

Can the Minister say whether, in this "highly co-ordinated Government," and as 24th April was the date sent out by the Ministry of Transport to the railways by which to cut off all heating, they did, in fact, consult the right hon. Gentleman?

Mr. Noel-Baker

It was entirely their decision. I gave them no advice at all.

Miss Ward

Did they not know anything about the shortage of coal?