§ Standing Order 3, leave out lines 1 to 6.
§ Line 11, leave out "in," and insert "of."
§ Line 13, leave out "in this House."
§ Line 16, leave out "the said Standing Orders," and insert "Standing Orders 4 to 68."
§ Line 22, leave out "respect," and insert "reference."
§ Standing Order 4, line 35, leave out "paragraph," and insert "sub-paragraph."
§ Standing Order 13, line 11, leave out "the."
§ Line 11, leave out "marked."
§ Standing Order 22, line 30, leave out from "of," to end of Order, and insert "Standing Orders 126, 171 and 209."
§ Standing Order 27, line 63, leave out "Town and Country," and insert "Local Government and."
§ Standing Order 28, lines 28 and 29, leave out "Health, the Ministry of Town and Country," and insert "Local Government and."
§ Standing Order 29, line 13, leave out "Town and Country," and insert "Local Government and."
§ Standing Order 30, line 8, leave out "Town and Country," and insert "Local Government and."
§ Standing Order 31, line 4, after "of," insert "so much of."
§ Line 5, after "any)," insert "as relates to the said tidal lands."
§ Standing Order 38, line 5, leave out from "November," to "and," in line 7.
§ Leave out lines 13 to 20.
1140§ Standing Order 39, line 11, leave out "Town and Country," and insert "Local Government and."
§ Standing Order 45, line 10, leave out "the."
§ Line 10, leave out "marked."
§ Standing Order 46, line 7, leave out "Health," and insert "Local Government and Planning."
§ Standing Order 60, line 4, leave out "two days," and insert "the second day."
§ Line 5, leave out "is," and insert "has been."
§ Line 9, leave out "introduced," and insert "presented."
§ Standing Order 61, line 8, after "that." insert "not less than."
§ Line 8, leave out from "weeks," to end of line 9, and insert "before the Bill was brought from the House of Lords."
§ Line 28, leave out "that."
§ Line 44, leave out "the."
§ Line 45, leave out "marked."
§ Standing Order 62, line 3, after "shall," insert "after it has been read a second time."
§ Lines 3 and 4, leave out "after the second reading thereof."
§ Line 5, leave out from "report," to end of line 7, and insert "whether the following requirements have or have not been complied with."
§ Line 8, leave out "introduced," and insert "presented."
§ Line 9, leave out "introduced in," and insert "presented to."
§ Line 94, leave out from "is," to "after," in line 96, and insert "presented, or intended to be presented."
§ Standing Order 63, line 6, after "shall," insert "after it has been read a second time."
§ Line 7, leave out "after the second reading thereof."
§ Leave out lines 9 and 10, and insert "whether the following requirements have or have not been complied with."
§ Line 13, leave out "introduced," and insert "presented."
§ Line 14, leave out "introduced in," and insert "presented to."
§ Line 20, leave out "introduced," and insert "presented."
§ Line 21, leave out "introduced in," and insert "presented to."
§ Standing Order 64, line 9, after "shall," insert "after it has been read a second time."
§ Lines 9 and 10, leave out "after the second reading thereof."
§ Line 14, leave out "Standing."
§ Leave out lines 17 to 21.
§ Line 22, leave out "also."
§ Line 22, leave out "Standing."
§ Line 36, leave out "Standing."
§ Standing Order 65, line 22, leave out from "report," to "the." in line 23, and insert "whether."
§ Line 24, at end, insert "have or have not been complied with."
§ Line 112, leave out "introduced," and insert "presented."
§ Lines 112 and 113, leave out "introduced into," and insert "presented to."
1141§ Standing Order 66, line 20, leave out from "report," to "the," in line 21, and insert "whether."
§ Line 22, at end, insert "have or have not been complied with."
§ Line 66, leave out "introduced," and insert "presented."
§ Lines 66 and 67, leave out into," and insert "presented to
§ Standing Order 67, line 19, leave out "Standing."
§ Line 21, leave out "Standing."
§ Leave out lines 28 to 33.
§ Line 34, leave out "also."
§ Line 34, leave out "Standing."
§ Line 47, leave out "Standing."
§ Standing Order 68, line 10, leave out "to this House," and insert "from the House of Lords."
§ Standing Order 70, line 2, leave out from "been," to "shall," in line 4, and insert "presented on or before the twenty-seventh day of November."
§ Line 6, leave out "provided that," and insert "or."
§ Line 7, leave out from "Sunday," to end of Order, and add "on the first Monday following that day."
§ Standing Order 71, line 4, leave out "Petitions for Bills," and insert "each Petition for a Bill."
Standing Order 72, line 1, at beginning, insert—
Every petition for a Private Bill other than a petition for a certified Bill or a Bill to which Standing Order 220 applies shall stand referred to the Examiners and." Line 1, leave out from "shall," to "and," in line 2, and insert "inquire whether Standing Orders 4 to 59, so far as applicable, have been complied with.
§ Standing Order 73, leave out from beginning, to "shall." in line 11, and insert "A Petition for additional provision in a Private Bill."
§ Line 12, leave out "be," and insert "stand."
§ Standing Order 74, line 2, leave out "introduced," and insert "presented."
§ Line 5, leave out "having," and insert "they have."
Standing Order 75, line 1, at beginning. Insert—
Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this Order.
§ Line 3, leave out "and to tender evidence." Line 15, leave out "introduced," and insert "presented."
Line 21, at end, insert—
(2) No party shall be heard by the Examiner unless his memorial has been deposited in the Private Bill Office—
§ (3) With each memorial there shall be deposited two copies thereof for the use of the Examiners."
§ Standing Order 76, line 8, leave out "and to tender evidence."
§ Standing Order 79, line 6, leave out from "with," to end of Order.
§ Standing Order 81, lines I and 2, leave out "or the Counsel to Mr. Speaker."
Line 9, at end, add—
Provided that if the Chairman of Ways and Means is unable to act or the office of Chairman of Ways and Means is vacant, the Counsel to Mr. Speaker shall act in his stead for the purposes of this Order.
§ Standing Order 82, line 11, leave out "endorsed," and insert "examined."
§ Standing Order 87, line 1, leave out "bring up," and insert "offer."
§ Standing Order 88, line 8, leave out from "day," to end of Order and add "before that on which it is proposed to consider the Lords Amendments."
§ Standing Order 103, line 6, leave out from "and," to "by," in line 8, and insert "EightMembers nominated."
§ Standing Order 109, line 4, leave out "which Committee," and insert "whom."
§ Line 6, leave out from "Bill," to "shall," in line 7, and insert "on committal."
§ Line 8, leave out "of Selection."
§ Standing Order 110, line 6, leave out from "Votes," to end of Order.
§ Standing Order 111, line 2, leave out from "refer," to "every," in line 3.
§ Line 5, leave out from "Bills," to end of Order, and insert "to a Committee of four Members not locally or otherwise interested in the Bill or Bills referred to them, and shall at the same time nominate one of the Members as Chairman.
§ (2) The Committee of Selection shall refer every Unopposed Bill which stands referred to them to a Committee composed of five Members, namely, the Chairman of Ways and Means, the Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means, and three Members selected by the Chairman of Ways and Means from a panel to be appointed by the Committee of Selection at the commencement of every Session.
1143§ (3) The Committee of Selection shall not treat any Bill as an Opposed Bill unless a petition against the Bill stands referred to the Committee on the Bill under Standing Order 126 or the Chairman of Ways and Means has informed the House that in his opinion the Bill ought to be treated as an Opposed Bill."
§ Standing Order 115, line 115, leave out from "signed," to end of Order.
§ Standing Order 122, line 1, leave out "any such Committee," and insert "a Committee on an opposed Private Bill."
§ Standing Order 124, line 14, leave out "postpone," and insert "defer."
§ Line 16, leave out "postponed," and insert "deferred."
Standing Order 126, line 3, leave out from beginning, to end of line 9, and insert—
(a) every petition against the Bill presented on or before the thirtieth day of January or, in the case of—
on or before the tenth day after the first reading of the bill or, if the House is not sitting on that day, on or before the next day on which the House sits, and.
§ Line 13, leave out "may have," and insert "has."
§ Standing Order 127, line 7, leave out "and to tender evidence."
§ Line 13, leave out "and to tender evidence."
Line 14, leave out from beginning, to end of Order, and add—
(3) A Petitioner shall not be heard before the Committee on- an Opposed Private Bill unless his Petition has been prepared and signed in strict conformity with the rules and orders of the House:
Provided that a Petition shall not be deemed to have been prepared otherwise than in conformity with the said rules and orders by reason only that it has not been written by hand.
§ Standing Order 134, line 4, leave out "and to tender evidence."
§ Standing Order 136, line 3, leave out "hear," and insert "receive."
§ Line 4, leave out "tendered by," and insert "adduced by or on behalf of."
§ Standing Order 138, line 1, leave out "each Committee," and insert "a Committee on a Private Bill."
1144§ Standing Order 139, line 1, after "Committee," insert "on a Private Bill."
§ Line 2, leave out from "with," to end of Order, and add "Standing Orders 4 to 68."
§ Standing Order 140, line 3, leave out "upon," and insert "on."
§ Standing Order 141, line 1, leave out "the Committee." and insert "a Committee on a Private Bill."
§ Standing Order 142, line 1, leave out "the Committee shall," and insert "a Committee on a Private Bill shall, when reporting the Bill."
§ Line 2, leave out "that," and insert "whether."
§ Line 3, leave out from "been," to "found," in line 6.
§ Line 6, at end, add "and where any alteration has been made in the preamble, he shall report such alteration, together with the grounds of making it."
§ Standing Order 144, line 2, leave out from "by," to "and," in line 3, and insert "or under the authority of any Minister of the Crown."
§ Line 8, after "department," insert "in charge of the Minister."
§ Line 8, leave out "any."
Line 12, at end, add—
In this Order the expression 'Minister of the Crown' means the holder of an office in His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and includes the Treasury, the Admiralty and the Board of Trade.
For the purposes of this Order a report shall be deemed to have been presented to the House if copies thereof are deposited in the Private Bill Office.
§ Standing Order 146, line 6, leave out "Ministry," and insert "Minister."
§ Line 9, after "Ministry," insert "of Transport."
§ Standing Order 147, line 8, leave out "Ministry," and insert "Minister."
§ Line 11, after "Ministry." insert "of Transport."
§ Standing Order 154, line 13, leave out "Ministry," and insert "Minister."
§ Line 28, leave out "Ministry," and insert "Minister."
§ Standing Order 155, line 5, leave out "Ministry of Health," and insert "Minister of Local Government and Planning or."
§ Line 6, leave out "Ministry," and insert "Minister."
§ Line 6, leave out "or the Electricity Commissioners."
§ Line 11, leave out "Ministry or Commissioners," and insert "Minister."
§ Line 12, leave out "as introduced into Parliament."
§ Line 13, leave out "which," and insert whom."
§ Standing Order 156, lines 38 and 39, leave out "Public Department," and insert "Minister of the Crown."
1145§ Standing Order 156B, line 1, after "a," insert "Private."
§ Line 20, leave out "on behalf of," and insert "by or under the authority of."
§ Line 21, leave out "Health," and insert "Local Government and Planning."
§ Standing Order 166, line 5, at end, add "and shall be ordered to be read a second time."
§ Standing Order 167, line 7, leave out "this," and insert "the."
§ Standing Order 170, line 1, leave out "nor more than seven."
§ Line 2, at end, insert "and second."
§ Line 3, leave out from "Bill," to end of Order.
§ Standing Order 171, line 3, leave out "this,' and insert "the."
§ Standing Order 173, line 1, leave out "or Memorialist."
§ Line 2, leave out "or Memorial."
§ Line 5, leave out "or Memorial."
§ Line 6, leave out "or Memorial."
§ Line 8, leave out "or Memorial."
§ Line 9, leave out "or Memorial."
§ Standing Order 175, line 6, leave out from "been," to "Petition," and insert "inserted except upon."
§ Standing Order 178, line 2, leave out from "Committee," to "shall," in line 7.
§ Line 9, leave out from beginning, to "it," in line 10.
§ Line 11, at end, insert "unless the Committee have reported that the allegations of the Bill have not been proved or that the parties promoting the Bill have stated that it is not their intention to proceed therewith."
§ Standing Order 179, line 11, leave out "165," and insert "163."
§ Standing Order 182, line 2, leave out "in the House."
§ Line 12, leave out "there shall be."
§ Line 13, after "proceeding," insert "shall be had."
§ Standing Order 183, line 1, after "where," insert "the promoters intend to offer any clause or to propose."
§ Line 1, leave out from "amendment," to "on," in line 2.
§ Line 5, after "the," insert "Clause or."
§ Lines 5 and 6, leave out "or new clause."
§ Standing Order 185, line 14, leave out "Where," and insert "When the promoters intend to propose."
§ Line 15, leave out "are proposed."
§ Line 16, leave out "offered," and insert "intended to be proposed."
§ Standing Order 187, line 6, after "given." insert "to the Clerks."
§ Standing Order 191, line 3, leave out "sent down," and insert "brought."
§ Standing Order 196, line 2, after "the," insert "Clerks of the."
1146§ Standing Order 198, line 3, after "given," insert "to the Clerks."
Line 7, at end, add—
(2) No such notice shall be given for a day later than the seventh day after that on which the Bill has been read the first time except in the case of a Bill which has been brought from the House of Lords and referred to the Examiners in which case notice for the second reading may be given for any day not later than the seventh day after that on which the Bill has been ordered to he read a second time:
Provided that when the House has resolved to adjourn to a day beyond such seventh day notice for the second reading may be given for the day to which the House has adjourned or the following day.
§ Standing Order 199, line 10, after "given." insert "to the Clerks."
§ Line 14, leave out "to," and insert "attending."
§ Line 17, leave out "postponed," and insert "deferred."
§ Line 17, leave out "of the postponement." and insert "thereof."
§ Line 19, leave out "postponement is made," and insert "sitting is deferred."
§ Standing Order 201, line 4, after "given," insert "to the Clerks."
§ Standing Order 202, line 2, after "out," insert "the clerk attending the committee shall deliver in to the Private Bill Office."
§ Line 3, leave out from "Chairman," to end of Order.
§ Standing Order 204, line 7, after "given." insert "to the Clerks."
§ Standing Order 205, line 3, after "Bill." insert "to the Clerks."
Standing Order 208, line 1, leave out from beginning, to "in," in line 4, and insert—
Not less than one clear day's notice in writing of the day proposed for taking into consideration the amendments made by the House of Lords to a Private Bill shall he given to the Clerks.
§ Standing Order 209, line 1, after "given," insert "to the Clerks in."
§ Standing Order 212, leave out lines 8 to 11.
§ Line 28, leave out "introduction into," and insert "presentation to."
§ Leave out lines 31 to 34.
§ Standing Order 214, line 1, leave out "having," and insert "it has."
§ Line 10, leave out "78."
§ Line 12, after "of," insert "Petitions for."
Leave out lines 13 to 19, and insert—
Subject to the following modifications—
§ Leave out lines 26 to 29.
§ Standing Order 215, line 1, leave "respect." and insert "relation."
§ Line 3, leave out "respect," and insert "relation."
§ Standing Order 216, line 1, leave out from "Bill," to "after," in line 2, and insert "shall be presented to the House."
§ Standing Order 217, line 1, leave out from "Bill," to "shall," in line 2, and insert "on committal."
§ Line 5, leave out "proceeding," and insert "proceedings."
Leave out lines 12 to 25, and insert—
§ Line 29, after "fit," insert "refer the bill to a committee constituted as provided in paragraph (2) of Standing Order 111 who shall."
§ Line 33, leave out from "shall," to end of Order, and add "refer the former back to the Committee of Selection."
§ Standing Order 219, line 2, leave out "in relation,"
§ Line 4, after "Orders," insert 75A (Withdrawal of Memorials).".
Standing Order 220, leave out lines 15 and 16, and insert—
(2) In relation to any such bill the standing orders relating to private bills shall have effect subject to the following modifications:—
§ Line 17, leave out from "Bill," to "shall," in line 18.
§ Line 21, leave out from "which," to "whichever," in line 22, and insert "the House sits after Easter."
§ Line 23, after "of," insert "on or before."
§ Line 25, leave out "notice of the bill," and insert "the notices required by Standing Orders 4, 10 and 11."
Leave out lines 30 to 44, and insert—
(c) in Standing Order 4 (Contents of Notice) a reference to the last day allowed for depositing the petition for the bill shall be substituted for the reference to the fourth day of December;
(d) a printed copy of the bill shall be deposited at the Treasury on or before the day on which the petition for the bill is deposited in the Private Bill Office instead
of on or before the fourth day of December in the previous year, but it shall not be necessary to deposit copies of the, bill at any of the other offices named in Standing Order 39 (Deposit of Bills at Treasury and other Public Departments, & c.);
(e) the bill shall, as soon as may be after the petition therefor has been deposited in the Private Bill Office, be presented to the House, and after it has been read the first time shall be referred to the Examiners, and the Examiner shall report whether the Standing Orders applicable to the bill have or have not been complied with.
§ Line 48, leave out "and," and insert "but it shall not be necessary to deposit copies of the Bill at any of the other offices mentioned in Standing Order 180 (Re-deposit of Bill before consideration)."
§ Line 54, after second "the," insert "petition for the."
§ Line 57, leave out "with," and insert "at."
§ Line 58, after "the," insert "day proposed for the."
§ Standing Order 224, line 6, leave out "of this House."
§ Line 8, leave out from "Orders," to "are," in line 10, and insert "numbered 4 to 68."
§ Line 12, at end, insert "and when they have not been complied with, he shall also report to the House the facts upon which his decision is founded and any special circumstances connected with the case."
Line 15, at end, insert—
(3) In the case of a Bill originating in this House the Examiner shall have leave to report to the House of Lords (if that House thinks fit so to order) whether any Standing Orders of that House compliance with which, in the case of a Private Bill, is to be proved before one of the Examiners are applicable to the Bill, and, if applicable, whether or not they have been complied with.
§ Line 16, leave out "any such," and insert a public."
§ Line 20, after "shall," insert "if that House thinks fit to give him leave."
§ Line 24, at end, insert "and when they have not been complied with, he shall also report to the House the facts upon which his decision is founded and any special circumstances connected with the case."
§ Standing Order 225, line 1, leave out "Orders contained in this chapter," and insert "twelve following Orders."
§ Line 9, leave out "in the House of Commons."
§ Line 9, at end, insert "the expression 'Confirmation Bill' means a Bill to confirm an Order issued under the Procedure Act."
§ Line 12, at end, insert "the expression General Orders' means General Orders made under section 15 of the Procedure Act."
1149§ Standing Order 226, line 1, leave out "in," and insert "of."
§ Line 4, leave out "in this House."
§ Standing Order 227, line 4, leave out "this," and insert "the."
§ Standing Order 228A, line 2, leave out "Bills to confirm Provisional Orders issued under the Procedure Act," and insert "Confirmation Bills."
§ Line 10, leave out "Bills to confirm Provisional Orders issued under the Procedure Act," and insert "Confirmation Bills."
§ Line 15, leave out "Bills to confirm Provisional Orders issued under the Procedure Act," and insert "Confirmation Bills."
§ Standing Order 230, line 8, leave out "being," and insert "it has been."
§ Standing Order 231, line 1, after "A." insert "Petition for a."
§ Line 1, leave out "conferring," and insert "by which it is proposed to confer."
§ Line 4, leave out "deposited," and insert "presented."
§ Standing Order 232, line 11, leave out "in," and insert "at."
§ Line 13, leave out "in," and insert "at."
§ Lines 14 and 15, leave out "made in pursuance of the Procedure Act."
§ Line 21, after "proceedings," insert "had."
§ Standing Order 233, line 6, leave "Order," and insert "Orders."
§ Standing Order 236, line 3, leave out "two days," and insert "the second day."
§ Line 3, leave out "is," and insert "has been."
§ Standing Order 237, line 1, leave out "Orders contained in this Chapter," and insert "eleven following Orders."
§ Line 17, leave out "in the House of Commons."
§ Line 22, leave out "in the House of Commons."
§ Standing Order 238, line 8, leave out from "the," to end of line 9, and insert "following ten Orders."
§ Standing Order 243, line 11, leave out "and to tender evidence."
§ Lines 14 and 15, leave out "and to tender evidence."
§ Standing Order 244, lines 64 and 65, leave out "and to tender evidence."
§ Standing Order 245, line 2, after "of," insert "Special Procedure."
§ Line 2, leave out from "Petitions," to end of Order, and add "and counter-petitions and Standing Order 75A shall apply to the withdrawal of memorials objecting to special procedure petitions."
§ Standing Order 248A, line 4, leave out introduced," and insert "presented."
§ Appendix (A), page 246, line 13, after "deposited," insert "for public inspection."