HC Deb 31 July 1951 vol 491 c1174
32. Mr. Dodds

asked the Lord Privy Seal the income and the maintenance costs of the South Bank Exhibition up to the last available date.

Mr. Stokes

Up to last Saturday, 28th July, the admission revenue at the South Bank Exhibition from the opening date was about £860,000 and the running expenditure about £280,000.

Mr. Dodds

Are the figures my right hon. Friend has given up to expectations; and does he not think that with a shorter season, and a change in policy and in some of the exhibits, it could be continued in 1952; and if not, will he give an assurance that the site which has given pleasure to so many millions of people will not be derelict in 1952?

Mr. Stokes

The figures are getting very near to what we anticipated. I have already answered questions about the continuation of the South Bank. I am open-minded about it, and, if conditions and attendances prove that it is desirable to keep it open longer, we will see if we can find some way of doing so.

Mr. J. Langford-Holt

Can the right hon. Gentleman say when a decision on this matter will be finally taken?

Mr. Stokes

I should not think it would be possible to take a decision on the South Bank until towards the end of the summer period, because that is the time when we expect the greatest attendances. Until those have been achieved it would be unwise to attempt any calculation.

Mr. R. A. Butler

Will the right hon. Gentleman give an assurance that the Festival of Britain Council will have an opportunity of stating their objections before a decision is taken?

Mr. Stokes

They have already been asked to do so.