HC Deb 30 July 1951 vol 491 cc941-2
27. Mr. Niall Macpherson

asked the Minister of Food what arrangements he has made to allow cream to be supplied on doctor's prescription.

Mr. F. Willey

none. My right hon. Friend is advised that cream is not necessary in the treatment of any disease.

Mr. Macpherson

while the Minister no doubt is advised by doctors, is the hon. Gentleman aware that not all doctors would agree and that some doctors do advise their patients to have cream? Can he cite any other country where people are not able to obtain cream if they are recommended by their doctors to do so?

Mr. Willey

i agree that all doctors do not agree, but we have to seek the best possible advice available and we act on that advice. There is also the provisions that individual cases will be considered by our advisers.

Sir H. Williams

can the hon. Gentleman say when his advisers last advised him on cream?

Mr. Willey

yes, if the hon. Member puts down a Question.

Mr. Butcher

can the hon. Gentleman answer the question put to him by my hon. Friend the Member for Dumfries (Mr. N. Macpherson), namely, what other country denies cream to patients who have been told by doctors that they must have it?

Mr. Willey

if the hon. Member requires that information perhaps he will put a Question down.

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