HC Deb 04 July 1951 vol 489 cc2311-2
42. Captain Waterhouse

asked the Secretary of State for Foreion Affairs if he has any further news of fate or whereabouts of Mr. Sanders; and when the last communication on this subject was sent to the Hungarian Government.

Mr. Ernest Davies

I regret that there is no further news of Mr. Sanders. On 18th June His Majesty's Minister at Budapest again reaffirmed to the Hungarian Government our offer to resume economic negotiations and facilitate, a visit by two Hungarian representatives to the British zone of Germany to take delivery of restitution goods identifiable as Hungarian as soon as Mr. Sanders was released. But the Hungarian Government has not yet accepted this offer.

Captain Waterhouse

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that when I put a Question on this point to him some months ago he gave me an assurance that our communications with the Hungarian Government would be limited to the merest diplomatic formalities as long as Mr. Sanders was missing; and is he further aware that an invitation was sent to the Hungarian Minister and his wife to attend the service at St. Paul's Cathedral to inaugurate the Festival of Britain?

Mr. Davies

Such invitations are formal matters of diplomatic courtesy. They are sent to all diplomats, and it would be quite unusual if there were selection of those to be invited.

Sir Herbert Williams

What about Mr. Sanders?

Captain Waterhouse

Is this not an exceptional circumstance? Here is a British subject who has disappeared. An American subject who disappeared has been released; ours has not, yet we ask these people to come and take part in these public ceremonies.

Mr. Davies

As long as we have diplomatic recognition of the Hungarian Government they are treated as diplomats here in London. I do not think that the issuing or withholding of tickets for these ceremonies would affect the question of Mr. Sanders.

Captain Waterhouse

In view of the very unsatisfactory reply, I beg to give notice that I shall raise this matter on the Adjournment.

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