HC Deb 05 December 1951 vol 494 c2386
46. Mr. Frederick Peart

asked the Prime Minister what restrictions are placed on the use of Cabinet papers and Ministerial documents for the purpose of authorship and publication.

The Prime Minister

Former Ministers may at any time have access to Cabinet papers issued to them while they were in office, but no disclosure of the proceedings of the Cabinet may be made without the permission of the King. In view of the provisions of the copyright and the official secrets Acts, no disclosure of other official documents must be made without prior consultation with the Government of the day.

Mr. Pearl

Is the Prime Minister aware that the son-in-law of George Lansbury has experienced considerable difficulty in getting back papers which he sent, and in view of the importance of this, could the Prime Minister say what is the position with regard to papers which are not of a secret character?

The Prime Minister

That is a specific case, and I think I should like to have notice of that.

Mr. Peart

Would the Prime Minister re-consider this case of Mr. Raymond Postgate, in view of that assurance?

The Prime Minister

When my attention has been drawn to the case and I have been able to look into the matter, I will see if there is any occasion to reconsider it.