HC Deb 30 April 1951 vol 487 cc817-8
5. Mr. Keeling

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that a regulation made by his predecessor in 1933 makes no provision for property found on a London Transport vehicle or station and handed to an official to be returned to the finder if unclaimed; and whether, in view of the nationalisation of London Transport, he will alter the regulation so as to assimilate it with the rule of the Metropolitan Police that unclaimed property shall be returned to the finder.

Mr. Barnes

These regulations relate to property accidentally left in any vehicle or premises belonging to the London Transport Executive as successors of the London Passenger Transport Board. On the point referred to they are on similar lines to those which apply generally to public service vehicles and to railways, and I see no reason to alter them in the manner suggested.

Mr. Keeling

Does the Minister not realise that the public do not appreciate these subtle distinctions between nationalised transport and nationalised police? He has not really answered the question why there should be a difference. Would he take a little more time than I have allowed him in order to look into the matter?

Mr. Barnes

It is not merely a question of nationalised transport. If the hon. Gentleman looks at my reply he will see that it applies to all public service vehicles.

Mr. Shepherd

Why does the right hon. Gentleman say that it refers to railways when he ought to know that for property lost on the railways the existing regulations allow no reward at all to the finder, and that anyone who loses anything on the nationalised railways is, therefore, very unlikely to get it back?

Mr. Barnes

I was dealing not with the reward but with the return of the property to the finder.

Mr. Godfrey Nicholson

Does the right hon. Gentleman mean to say that if the name and address of the owner are clearly ascertainable no steps are taken to get in touch with him?

Mr. Barnes

No, that is not the point. The question is whether the property should be returned to the finder if the owner is not found.