HC Deb 26 April 1951 vol 487 cc557-8
24. Mr. Snow

asked the Minister of Health when a bed in a sanatorium will be provided for Mr. L. Riley, Queslett Road, Streetly, a tuberculosis patient and an ex-Service man.

Mr. Marquand

I am informed that he was admitted to Prestwood Sanatorium on 18th April.

Mr. Snow

While thanking the Minister for that answer, may I ask whether he is aware that from 1st March to 3rd April the consultant to the hospital group in question informed me indirectly that no single male bed for a male T.B. patient was made available?

Mr. Marquand

I understand they were trying their best to get this patient into Papworth, but were unable to find a vacancy there at the time.

25. Mr. Snow

asked the Minister of Health whether he is satisfied with the administration of the National Health Ser vice in the case of Mr. H. Thompson, 15, Allton Avenue, Mile Oak, Staffordshire, on 9th March, when he trapped his hand while at work at the Kingsbury 7 ft. Unit and eventually received treatment at Birmingham Accident Hospital, after being referred from Tamworth, with the consequent delay.

Mr. Marquand

I am making inquiries and will write to my hon. Friend when they are complete.

Mr. Snow

Meantime, is my right hon. Friend aware that, according to a report I received from the miners' agent at Tam-worth, my constituent, who was injured at the pit at 12.30 p.m. on 9th March, went to the Tamworth Hospital at 2 p.m., that there was no surgeon available, and that having received treatment at Birmingham Accident Hospital at 8.15 that night, still wearing his wet pit clothes, and with no money, he asked for an ambulance to take him back to Tamworth, a considerable distance, and was told that he had got legs? Does my righ hon. Friend think that this is the right sort of treatment to give a miner?

Mr. Marquand

I cannot comment on that, or necessarily accept all my hon. Friend's statements, until I have completed my inquiries.