HC Deb 18 April 1951 vol 486 cc1824-5
58. Mr. Bossom

asked the Minister of Food if he will explain the instructions that are given to his enforcement officers when they call upon butchers to see that the regulations are respected.

Mr. Webb

In the normal course of their duties enforcement inspectors visit butchers' establishments to make sure that the orders governing the distribution, supply and price of meat are being observed. They have a detailed course of training and notes for guidance are issued from time to time which include instructions to avoid any improper use of their powers. In the course of an inquiry the services of trade experts are available to give any technical advice needed.

Mr. Bossom

Is the Minister aware that on 14th April one of his employees gave an interview in which it was stated: It was easy for me. I could often get round the butcher for a little over the top—some women can, you know"? Does he not consider such a procedure totally repugnant to English ideas of justice?

Mr. Webb

I should like to have particulars of that allegation and that statement.

Sir H. Williams

Surely the right hon. Gentleman is aware of what was published in the newspapers and of a picture of the blonde—who turned out to be a brunette—employed by his Department?

Mr. Webb

I am aware of many things published in the newspapers—and of the inaccuracy to which the hon. Gentleman has called attention. If there is any basis in this allegation I would like to look into it.

Mr. Bossom

If I hand the Minister the paper which I have in my hand, will he deny that the statement is true?