HC Deb 04 April 1951 vol 486 cc178-9
8. Miss Irene Ward

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the fact that the Egyptian Government has acquired more British motor torpedo boats than the Navy has in com mission at the moment, he will take steps to ensure that no further releases of British naval vessels and equipment shall be made available to the Egyptian Government.

Mr. H. Morrison

The hon. Lady appears to be misinformed. Although such motor torpedo boats as have been acquired by Egypt in this country since 1949 have been boats bought direct from the trade, my information is that the Egyptian Navy have considerably fewer motor torpedo boats of British construction in commission than the Royal Navy. No naval vessels or equipment have in any case recently been sold to Egypt unless surplus to the requirements of the Royal Navy, and those of our North Atlantic Treaty and Commonwealth Allies. The same criteria will continue to apply generally to further inquiries for ships or equipment for the Egyptian Navy.

Miss Ward

Would the right hon. Gentleman say under what circumstances a quantity of modern torpedo sights have been recently released to the Egyptian Navy? Under what policy have they reached that country?

Mr. Morrison

I did not notice that sights were mentioned in the Question.

Miss Ward

But did the right hon. Gentleman not say "no equipment"?

Mr. Morrison

If the hon. Lady wanted to mention sights she could have put that down.

Brigadier Head

When the right hon. Gentleman said that motor torpedo boats were bought direct from the trade am I not right in saying that the trade have to get the permission of the Admiralty before they allow the Egyptian Government to have them?

Mr. Morrison

They need to have permission, but I am not sure whether it is from the Admiralty. I should like to know what hon. Members opposite want. I do not know whether they wish us to apply a complete blockade.

Brigadier Head

What hon. Members on this side want is that the Navy's requirements should be satisfied first and the Egyptian Government's requirements second.

Mr. Morrison

A number of hon. Members opposite have not listened to my reply. I have said precisely that that was exactly what we were doing.