HC Deb 23 October 1950 vol 478 cc2477-8
38. Mr. Russell

asked the Minister of Works how many persons have been prosecuted for leaving litter in the Royal Parks since 10th July, 1950; and if he is satisfied with the number and size of receptacles provided.

Mr. Stokes

There has been one prosecution since 10th July, 1950. In this case the offender refused to pick up litter deposited by her, when required to do so by a park keeper. She was fined 20s. For normal occasions I am satisfied with the number and size of the receptacles but I am making arrangements to increase their number during the weekends of the spring and summer months.

Mr. Russell

Does the answer of the right hon. Gentleman mean that less litter has been deposited in the parks, or that his Department have not been prosecuting strongly enough?

Mr. Stokes

The position is a little better. These prosecutions are not very popular. I am doing my best. It is always difficult to get proof, but I think that on the whole the situation is improving.

Mr. Keeling

Will the right hon. Gentleman make it clear that neither the absence of litter baskets nor their fulness will be considered an excuse for throwing paper down in the parks?

Mr. Stokes

I quite agree, and I am at present in course of organising an anti-litter campaign.