HC Deb 23 October 1950 vol 478 cc2486-7
55. Major T. Beamish

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that Russian officers with a cinema and loudspeaker van regularly visit displaced persons' camps in the British zone of Austria and on recent occasions have made anti-British speeches to the occupants of these camps; that this practice has been severely criticised by British and Austrians and is the cause of alarm and upset among the displaced persons; whether such broadcasts are allowed in the British zone in Germany; and if he will issue immediate instructions to stop all such visits and broadcasts.

Mr. Ernest Davies

Members of the Soviet Repatriation Mission have visited displaced persons' camps in the British zone of Austria and are permitted to hold cinema shows, attendance of which is entirely voluntary. Such visits are always accompanied by a British conducting officer. There have been no anti-British speeches and His Majesty's Legation at Vienna have received no complaints, either from Austrians or from displaced persons. No visits of any sort have been made to displaced persons' camps in the British zone of Germany since the departure of the Soviet Repatriation Mission in April last.

Major Beamish

Can the Under-Secretary say whether the British officers who accompany these Soviet officers speak fluent Russian?

Mr. Davies

I cannot reply to that without notice.

Major Beamish

Might I give the hon. Gentleman details of a recent visit?