HC Deb 30 November 1950 vol 481 cc1298-9
21. Mr. Profumo

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has now received the plan from the Waste Paper Recovery Association which is intended to encourage local authorities to resume or increase waste paper collection; and if he will make a statement thereupon.

Mr. H. Wilson

Yes, Sir. I have now received a scheme for a new national waste paper salvage campaign to be run in 1951 by the Waste Paper Recovery Association, who are offering prizes totalling £20,000 for the councils which collect the highest tonnage per head of their population per month. I am arranging for the details of the scheme to be published in the Board of Trade Journal. As I have already announced, the mills have agreed to guarantee a minimum price of £6 10s. a ton for mixed baled waste paper collected by local councils, with higher prices for better, sorted, grades. The mills undertake to accept all the paper offered to them by councils at those prices until the end of 1951, and, furthermore, if the market prices are higher, to pay the market price.

I should like to emphasise the importance which I attach to an early resumption of collections by as many councils as possible, particularly those in urban and semi-urban areas. In taking this course they will be doing a national service, and will indirectly be aiding most branches of trade and industry in their own areas, which are dependent on paper or board supplies for one purpose or another.

Mr. Profumo

Now that the Minister has completed this welcome scheme for the salvage of waste paper, and although I appreciate that he has circulated Departments on the subject of avoiding all waste of paper, may I ask cannot he devise a constructive plan whereby the nationalised industries, Government Departments and local authorities could be encouraged, perhaps by the awarding of a prize, to save all the paper they can by using much less in their work?

Mr. Wilson

The hon. Gentleman will be aware of what I said on the subject last Friday, when I stressed the need for maximum economy in private industry as well.

Mr. Logan

Does this mean the scrapping of all Tory posters in Liverpool?