§ 56. Captain Ryderasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if, in view of the need to economise in fuel, he will reduce 1320 the Purchase Tax on gas water heaters and other fuel saving devices.
§ Captain RyderWould it not be better to carry this out now, before the approach of winter weather?
§ Mr. KeelingHas the Minister received any representations on this matter from the Ministry of Fuel and Power, who appealed, I think a few days ago, for better and more economical combustion?
§ Mr. JayWe have frequently discussed the matter with the Ministry of Fuel and Power; indeed, it is in consultation with them that the various rates in force have been adopted.
§ Mr. ErrollHas the Minister considered grading the tax according to the amount and type of fuel consumed, whether solid or otherwise, rather than by the prime cost of the appliance?
§ Mr. JayThe hon. Member will remember that, basically, the present rates were adopted in 1947 mainly to encourage more fuel saving.