HC Deb 23 November 1950 vol 481 cc499-500
44. Mr. A. Edward Davies

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn to the unfair competition in the production and sale of pottery made in Japan for the export markets; and what steps are being taken to deal with this matter.

Mr. H. Wilson

As I told my hon. Friend, the Member for Stoke-on-Trent, South (Mr. Ellis Smith), on 27th July, there is now legal protection in Japan against misuse or copying of designs and trade marks, and if I am provided with full evidence of such unfair practices, I am always willing to bring the matter to the attention of the authorities in Japan and to help the injured firm to obtain redress.

Mr. Davies

I have the evidence in my hand. Is my right hon. Friend aware that I have in my hand a sample of British pottery which is being coloured, designed, produced and sold at eight times the price at which the Japanese copy is being marketed in Canada and the United States? He has had evidence already; and will he not pursue the matter further in Tokyo, and listen to what we shall have to say on the Adjournment debate next Thursday, when we will produce further evidence?

Mr. Wilson

I have said that I will look at any case which my hon. Friend brings to my notice.

Dr. Barnett Stross

Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind particularly this point, that our artists and designers who are subjected to this type of unfair attack ought to have protection, in addition to the manufacturer?

Mr. Wilson

That is one reason why we have been so vigorous in getting these arrangements made.