HC Deb 16 November 1950 vol 480 c1878
16. Mr. Osborne

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that, although the Louth Rural District Council allocated a contract for the building of houses at Tetney in May this year, the contractor has so far been unable to obtain bricks to make a start; and if he will give absolute priority to housing on all brick production.

Mr. Bevan

The necessary bricks have now been obtained. As regards the second part of the Question, general arrangements already exist to deal with any difficulties in supplies that may arise.

Mr. Osborne

Is the Minister aware that the bricks were put on the site three days after I put down my Question? Can he assure me that, as far as North Lincolnshire is concerned, the housing programme will not be held up through a lack of bricks?

Mr. Bevan

If there is any connection between the Question appearing on the Order Paper and delivery of the bricks, it reveals the efficacy of the House of Commons, but in so far as the bricks were not ordered earlier, it reveals the inefficiency of the private enterprise contractor.

Commander Galbraith

Will the right hon. Gentleman say how long the bricks were on order?

Mr. Bevan

I do not know. [HON. MEMBERS: "Oh."] It is not my business to be a shadow for every incompetent building contractor.