HC Deb 15 November 1950 vol 480 cc1710-1
41. Mr. Charles Ian Orr-Ewing

asked the Secretary of State for Air what arrangements are being made to house the personnel of 601–604 Auxiliary Squadrons, which were recently moved from Hendon to North Weald, now that their week-end accommodation at North Weald has been taken over by Regular Service personnel.

Mr. Crawley

Adequate accommodation arrangements have been made for the personnel of Nos. 601 and 604 Auxiliary Squadrons. They are comfortably housed in newly decorated brick built barrack blocks.

Mr. Orr-Ewing

Would the hon. Gentleman say when that accommodation was found for them, because last week-end they had to go back to their homes and could not be accommodated on the aerodrome? We do feel that priority should be given to these people who are so important for the fighter defence of this country. We feel that they have not a high enough priority.

Mr. Crawley

My information is entirely contrary to the hon. Gentleman's. I understand that each squadron has two separate barrack rooms available for it, which have not yet been filled at any week-end.