HC Deb 06 November 1950 vol 480 cc582-3
34. Major Tufton Beamish

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power which new power stations conceived and constructed since the British Electricity Authority came into being have been completed; and what is the output of these stations.

The Minister of Fuel and Power (Mr. Philip Noel-Baker)

It takes four years to plan and construct a power station and to install the plant. Vesting day for the British Electricity Authority was April 1st, 1948. None of the new stations which they have planned is, therefore, yet in operation.

Major Beamish

In that case, how can the Minister explain the British Electricity Authority's spending of very large amounts of the taxpayers' money on lavish and expensive poster and advertising campaigns under the heading of "Another New Power Station"?

Mr. Noel-Baker

I see nothing in what I have said which is inconsistent with that policy. I shall be very glad to discuss it with the hon. and gallant Member, and perhaps that would be the most useful and suitable way. The purpose of the Authority is to show people, in their advertisements, that something is being done to increase the capacity, and to urge on them the necessity of not using more electricity than they need in peak hours.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

To prevent any misunderstanding, would the right hon. Gentleman ask the Authority to print upon any future posters the complete answer which he has given to the House this afternoon?

Mr. Noel-Baker

Perhaps the hon. Gentleman would put a Question down about these posters.

Colonel J. R. H. Hutchison

Will the Minister tell the public that something is being done to provide the power, not the posters?

35. Major Beamish

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power which power stations on which work had not been begun when the British Electricity Authority came into being are at present in course of construction; and what will be the output of these stations.

Mr. P. Noel-Baker

Since vesting day, the British Electricity Authority have begun constructional work on 16 new power stations, and on the extension of seven existing stations. With the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate a list of these 23 stations in the OFFICIAL REPORT; their total capacity will be 2,746 megawatts.

The Authority has also begun preliminary work on 12 other new stations, and on 35 other extensions, the total capacity of which will together amount to 4,346 megawatts. The output from these 47 stations will become available between 1953 and 1956.

Commander Noble

Will every care be taken to see that there is as little pollution of the atmosphere as possible from these stations?

Mr. Noel-Baker

Yes, Sir. Great attention is being given to that problem, and I attach tremendous importance to it.

Sir Herbert Williams

Could the right hon. Gentleman say how many of the stations which have not yet been completed are those described in the posters?

Following is the list:

New Stations: Capacity MWso.
Acton Lane (Willesden) 56
Bold (St. Helens) 56
Carrington 224
Chadderton 112
Connah's Quay 112
Doncaster 112
Drakelow 224
East Yelland 84
Fleetwood 84
Goldington 112
Littlebrook "C" 225
Meaford "B" 168
Plymouth "B" 90
Roosecote (Barrow) 112
Tilbury 280
Uskmouth 336
16 New Stations 2,387