HC Deb 08 May 1950 vol 475 cc8-10
9. Mr. Gammans

asked the Minister of Works what action he proposes to take on the Report of the Working Party on the Building Industry.

13. Mr. J. H. Hare

asked the Minister of Works what action he proposes to take to meet the criticisms of the Report of the Working Party on the Building Industry.

14. Mr. J. Langford-Holt

asked the Minister of Works what action he proposes to take on the Report of the Working Party on the Building Industry.

Mr. Stokes

As hon. Members are aware, the recommendations in the Report are both numerous and detailed. In so far as they are exclusively for the Government to deal with, action has already been taken on a few of the recommendations and the others are under examination. The majority of the recommendations are directed to the industry and the professions and I propose to discuss these with their representatives at a meeting of my National Consultative Council this week. The Government will continue to do everything in its power to promote greater efficiency in the building industry.

Mr. Gammans

Do the Government realise that if, by proper incentives, it had been possible to restore output even to pre-war figures we could have put up another 50,000 houses last year with the same labour force?

Mr. Stokes

I am not prepared to accept that, because the houses built today are houses and not wigwams. I certainly understand the importance of incentive bonuses, but the industry does not lend itself to any rigid form of incentives scheme. The proposal needs to be examined in detail.

Mr. Marples

Can the Minister say how long the Working Party Report has been with his Department? If it has been there for several months already, why has not his Department put these recommendations into effect?

Mr. Stokes

I have said that the recommendations, in so far as they concern the Government, are already on the move. The Report came to my Department in the middle of February. The hon. Gentleman will be aware that there was a General Election in that month and, also, that there was a change of Minister. It is important that the Minister should understand what all this was about. Prompt, energetic action is now being taken.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

As this Report was completed on 11th January, can the Minister say why it was only published last week?

Mr. Stokes

For the reasons I have just stated. It was obviously undesirable to publish it in the middle of an Election—[HON. MEMBERS: "Oh."]—not at all for the reasons which right hon. and hon. Gentlemen opposite have in their minds. The reason was that when the Report was handed to me I insisted on understanding what it was about before it was put out. That seems to me a reasonable course to adopt.

Mr. Langford-Holt

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that when I put my Question down I addressed it to the Minister of Health, and that I would still very much like to know what the Minister of Health proposes to do about it?

Mr. Stokes

I can only suggest that the hon. Gentleman should try again. I have no control over that.