HC Deb 21 March 1950 vol 472 cc1732-3
2. Mr. Boothby

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will now place oats, permanently, on the same footing as other cereal crops in respect to the guaranteed price, owing to the fact that oats are the principal cereal crop in the North of Scotland.

The Joint Under-Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. Thomas Fraser)

An undertaking has already been given that oats will be treated on the same footing as other cereal crops as regards guaranteed price and assured market up to and including the 1951 crop. It is impossible at this date to give an undertaking beyond that date.

Mr. Boothby

Does the hon. Gentleman realise that agriculture in Scotland will never be on a sound basis unless the main cereal crop is put permanently upon the same footing as other cereals?

Mr. Fraser

Even the other cereal crops do not permanently enjoy a guaranteed price and assured market.

Mr. Boothby

Then could they not be put on the same footing, and for much longer than at present?

Mr. John MacLeod

Could the Under-Secretary of State say why this stigma is put on oats?

Mr. Fraser

There is no stigma on oats at all.