HC Deb 20 March 1950 vol 472 c1535
24. Mr. Nabarro

asked the Minister of Food if he is aware that the terms of Circular No. 3115 issued by his Department have been interpreted as an intention to reduce the cooking fat, the cheese, ordinary, and the bacon ration on 23rd April, 1950; and if he will give an assurance that it is not his intention to reduce the existing rations of these foodstuffs on that date.

Mr. Webb

I would rather not make any forecasts about future ration levels, because, especially for perishable foods like bacon, they depend so much on the rate of shipments and home marketing. But if there has been any misunderstanding about this routine circular, I should explain to the hon. Member that the amounts written on retailers' buying permits, which run for 16 weeks, do not always correspond with current ration scales, especially when there are short-term changes. When rations vary the permit is re-valued not re-written.

Mr. Nabarro

Arising from that answer, will the right hon. Gentleman, in view of his explanation, consider printing an annotation to this routine memorandum which would then have the effect of allaying a great deal of public alarm and, in addition, prevent persons in the retail food trade from being misled?

Mr. Webb

I cannot agree that there is a good deal of public alarm, but if it would help I should be glad to consider it.