§ 33 and 34. Mr. Alportasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies (1) whether he is satisfied with the standard of equipment of the Kenya police; and whether this force has available the weapons and wireless equipment necessary for the proper maintenance of peace and good order in the particular conditions existing in East Africa;
(2) whether he has now received the Report of the Commission of Inquiry on the murder by Suk tribesmen of police and administrative officers near Lake Baringo; and if he will make a statement.
Mr. DugdaleThe Commission of Inquiry into the recent affray north of Lake Baringo is still taking evidence. It is probable that the adequacy of police equipment will be among the issues dealt with by the Commission. I should, therefore, prefer to await its report before making any statement on the subject.
§ Mr. AlportIs the Minister aware that very grave concern is expressed in this country by relations of serving personnel in East Africa at the reports which they have received of the inadequacy of the equipment of the police, which has consisted of .303 rifles and .45 pistols, and of the inadequate wireless communication facilities? Although the Report of the Inquiry must be awaited, would not the right hon. Gentleman take immediate steps to improve the equipment without waiting for the report?
Mr. DugdaleI have no doubt that all these matters will be taken into consideration by the Commission of Inquiry.