HC Deb 13 June 1950 vol 476 c6
9. Sir J. Mellor

asked the Minister of National Insurance whether the loss, amounting to £11,623,193, at current market value, on the Unemployment Fund holding of 2½ per cent. undated Treasury Stock was written off before this stock was transferred to the National Insurance Fund on 4th July. 1948; and what resources were applied for this purpose.

The Minister of National Insurance (Dr. Edith Summerskill)

The position about the investments is explained in the notes to the published accounts of the National Insurance (Reserve) Fund for 1948–49.

Sir J. Mellor

Does not the Comptroller and Auditor-General there state that this loss was not recorded anywhere? Was it the hope of the Ministry that this £11 million would not be missed?

Dr. Summerskill

The hon. Baronet cannot have read the report very carefully. I think that my Permanent Secretary told the Auditor-General that the matter was explained fully, and if the hon. Gentleman will read page 2 of the acounts he will see the explanation.

Sir J. Mellor

Did not the Auditor-General say: The loss on revaluation … has … not been recorded either in the accounts of the absorbed funds, etc., or in these accounts"?

Dr. Summerskill

The Auditor-General said that it was not in the figures, but he was told that there was an explanatory note. I would ask the hon. Baronet to look at page 2, where he will see the explanatory note.