HC Deb 13 June 1950 vol 476 cc19-20
42. Mr. Low

asked the Secretary of State for War how many British officers and other ranks respectively are now serving with Colonial Forces; how many with the Gurkha Brigade; and whether he will make a statement about the period of their service with those Forces.

Mr. Strachey

The period of service with Colonial Forces and the Gurkha Brigade is normally three years, with the option of extending up to five years. In the Royal West African Frontier Force the period is a fixed term of three years three months, with three months intermediate leave in the United Kingdom. The numbers of British officers and other ranks concerned are being ascertained and I will write to the hon. Member.

Mr. Low

Is the right hon. Gentleman satisfied that he gets all the officers and N.C.Os. he requires and, if he is satisfied about numbers, is he satisfied about quality?

Mr. Strachey

The recruiting of officers for these Forces is a matter which is of much concern to myself and the War Office authorities, and we regard it as of the utmost importance that adequate quality and quantity should be secured.

Mr. Emrys Hughes

May I ask the Minister whether this is the Brigade that worships the baton presented by Queen Victoria, and whether the officers are expected to do the same thing?

Colonel Gomme-Duncan

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is discontent among the British officers of the Gurkha Brigade at the conditions which they have been asked to accept in comparison with what they had when they were part of the Indian Army? Will the right hon. Gentleman look into this carefully, as it must seriously affect the intake of new officers into the Gurkha Brigade?

Mr. Strachey

We cannot separate the conditions of service in the Gurkha Brigade and the Colonial Forces on the one hand and the British Army on the other. However, it is certainly important to give conditions of service which attract the right quality and quantity of officers.

Colonel Gomme-Duncan

Would not the Minister agree that in the case of the officers of the Gurkha Brigade they served in the Indian Army before, and therefore they are not on a par with those serving with Colonial troops who have been in the same service right through?

Mr. Strachey

They are not on a par, but they must be kept in line to some extent.

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