HC Deb 24 July 1950 vol 478 cc8-11
12. Mr. Douglas Marshall

asked the Minister of Food what percentage of pure fruits was contained in jam in July, 1939; and what is the percentage now.

Mr. Webb

As the reply contains many figures I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Marshall

Is not it a fact that before the war this percentage was 95 per cent., and that now it is below 40 per cent.? Is the Minister also aware of the fact that the soft fruit industry has had surpluses which it has not been able to get rid of, and will he consider giving more sugar to the fruit canning industry so that we can use up our home grown fruit?

Mr. Webb

The pre-war jam standards had no statutory force. They represented a voluntary agreement in the industry. I cannot give more sugar to the manufacturers at the moment. I wish I could. If the hon. Gentleman has any further doubts after having examined my answer, perhaps he would put down another Question.

Following is the table:

Description of Jam or Marmalade Pre-war Full Fruit Standard and Fresh Fruit Standard of the Food Manufacturers' Federation Pre-war Lower Fruit Standard of the Food Manufacturers' Federation Current Minimum Standard as prescribed by S.R. & O. 1944 No. 842 as amended (a)
Percentage of fruit Percentage of fruit Percentage of fruit
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Apple and Blackberry 40 (30/10) 20 40 (30/10)
Apple and Blackcurrant
Apple and Damson
Apple and Plum
Apple and Raspberry and/or Logan berry
Apple and Strawberry
Apple Jelly 40 20 40
Apricot 40 20 40
Apricot and Peach 40 (20/20) 20 40 (20/20)
Bilberry 40
Blackberry (or Bramble) and Black-berry (or Bramble) Seedless or Jelly 38 20 38
Blackcurrant and Blackcurrant Jelly 30 20 22
Cherry 45 20 40
Damson and Damson Jelly 38 20 38
Elderberry Jelly and Elderberry Seed less 40
Gooseberry 35 20 30
Greengage 40 20 38
Loganberry 38 20 25
Peach and Mixtures of Peach with Citrus Fruit 40 20 40
Pineapple 40
Plum and Plum Jelly 40 20 40
Plum and Blackcurrant 40 (30/10) 20 40 (30/10)
Plum and Raspberry 40 (30/10) 20 40 (30/10)
Plum and Strawberry 40 (30/10) 20 40 (30/10)
Quince Jelly 40
Raspberry and Raspberry Seedless or Jelly 38 20 25
Raspberry and Gooseberry 40 20 30 (15/15)
Raspberry and Loganberry 25 (15/10)
Raspberry and Redcurrant 40 20 30 (15/15)
Redcurrant Jelly 35 20 35
Rhubarb 45 20 40
Rhubarb and Blackberry 40 (30/10) 20 40 (30/10)
Rhubarb and Raspberry 40 (30/10) 20 40 (30/10)
Strawberry 42 20 37½
Strawberry and Gooseberry 40 20 35 (17½/17½)
All other jams 40 20 40
Marmalade Not specified Not specified 20
Marmalade Special Standard (Coarse Cut) 30
Marmalade Special Standard (Jelly) 20
Marmalade Special Standard (Grape-fruit) 25
NOTE.—Where figures in brackets are specified in the second and fourth columns above in respect of a description of jam containing more than one variety of fruit, the first figure denotes the content of the variety of fruit first mentioned in such description, and the second figure denotes the total content of the other varieties of fruit mentioned in such description.
a) S.R. & O. 1946 Nos. 157 and 1221; S.I. 1949 No. 1893; S.I. 1950 No. 1056.

40. Mr. Macdonald

asked the Minister of Food when he proposes to increase the percentage of fruit content of jams.

Mr. Webb

I recently made an Order to raise the minimum fruit content of some soft fruit jams. It will come into force on 25th September for sales by manufacturers, and, at dates to be fixed later, for sales by wholesale and by retail.

Mr. Macdonald

Can the right hon. Gentleman say what will be the new percentage as from September?

Mr. Webb

Not without notice.

Mr. Hurd

Can the Minister say whether there is any rule which prevents jam manufacturers from using pure fruit and sugar, and nothing else?

Mr. Webb

Offhand, I do not know of any.