HC Deb 20 July 1950 vol 477 c2474
50. Mr. Osborne

asked the Minister of Agriculture if, as the landing capacity of the large deep-sea trawlers is greatly in excess of market requirements, he will introduce the pre-war quota system on the landings of foreign caught fish.

Mr. T. Williams

I would refer the hon. Member to the statement made by the Prime Minister in the House on 4th July, to which I have nothing to add.

Mr. Osborne

Since the Minister himself has admitted that deep-sea trawlers are producing more fish than the market can absorb, and since 70 per cent. of the total amount of fish landed in this country comes from Hull and Grimsby, from where these trawlers operate, will he do something at once to prohibit the importation of foreign caught fish?

Mr. Williams

If the hon. Member will read the statement made by the Prime Minister, he will find that the Prime Minister said that steps were to be taken in that direction.

Mr. Osborne

But in the meantime the men who are working in these trawlers are having a very difficult time, and something should be done at once.

Mr. Mikardo

Set the people free!