HC Deb 05 July 1950 vol 477 cc457-8
21. Mr. Nally

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether it is his intention within the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to support the present proposal before the Committee that within the Council of Europe the Saar authority shall be regarded as a separate country, functioning under a duly constituted Government, entitled in due course to pass from associate membership of the Consultative Assembly to full membership of the Assembly and representation upon the Committee of Ministers.

The Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Ernest Davies)

As far as I am aware, no such proposal has been placed before the Committee, but I would remind my hon. Friend that under the terms of the Statute of the Council of Europe the proceedings of the Committee of Ministers are confidential.

Mr. Nally

While appreciating the decision of His Majesty's Government in favour of the Saar entering the Consultative Assembly, may I ask my hon. Friend if we can have a quite clear and specific assurance from the Government that the mere admission of the Saar to the consultations of the Assembly will not serve as a pretext to put forward the preposterous proposal of the French that the Saar should be regarded as an independent nation when it is, in fact, German?

Mr. Davies

Without accepting some of the assumptions my hon. Friend has made, I would give him an assurance that the decision to invite the Saar to become an associate member of the Council of Europe was taken without prejudice to the future status of that district. That remains a question for the peace treaty, and is unaffected by this decision.

Mr. Eden

Was not that also, to be accurate, precisely the position of the French Government, too?

Mr. Davies

Yes, Sir.

Mr. H. Macmillan

When the hon. Gentleman says that the proceedings of the Committee of Ministers are confidential, is it not the case that their decisions are communicated both to the Assembly and to the Joint Committee between Ministers and Assembly, which governs the Council of Europe?

Mr. Davies

Yes, Sir, the decisions are communicated to the various committees of the Consultative Assembly, but the reasons on which those decisions are reached are not necessarily communicated.