HC Deb 04 July 1950 vol 477 c215

House of Commons (Clergy Disqualification) Act, 1801 (Clarification of Law)

The Vice-Chamberlain of the House-Hold (Mr. Popplewell) reported His Majesty's Answer to the Address, as follows:

I have received your Address praying that I will refer to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council for hearing and consideration the question of law, whether the provisions of the House of Commons (Clergy Disqualification) Act, 1801, so far as they apply to persons ordained to the office of priest or deacon disable from sitting and voting in the House of Commons only persons ordained to the office of priest or deacon in the Church of England as by law established, or whether they also disable from so sitting and voting other, and, if so, what persons ordained to those offices and, in particular, whether James Godfrey MacManaway who has been ordained as a priest according to the use of the Church of Ireland, is disabled from sitting and voting in the House of Commons, and further praying that I may be pleased to communicate to the House such advice as I may receive from the said Judicial Committee.

I shall give directions accordingly.

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