HC Deb 04 July 1950 vol 477 cc412-3
Mr. Jay

I beg to move, in page 44, line 6, after "Man," to insert "and nothing in the said Part I shall be construed as extending to the Isle of Man."

This is a clarifying Amendment designed to make clear that Part I of the present Act does not extend to the Isle of Man. Such parts of Part I as are applicable, will be applied in the Isle of Man Customs Bill which will shortly be presented to the House according to the usual procedure.

Amendment agreed to.

Mr. Jay

I beg to move, "That the Schedule be read a Second time."

This implements the agreement with the cinema industry for the revision of rates of Entertainments Duty which was explained by my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade yesterday when he moved the Clause to which it refers.

Lieut.-Colonel Sir Thomas Moore (Ayr)

I suppose it is now too late to protest against this cumbersome and totally unsatisfactory method by which the Government seek to help the cinema industry, but when it fails, as it will fail, I only ask that the Chancellor of the Exchequer will remember the advice given to him from this side of the House that the only way of dealing with this issue is by a simple method, and that is by reducing the taxation on the popular seats in the cinema. The cinema industry is in the doldrums today: it needs a transfusion of blood, and it lies with the Chancellor of the Exchequer to decide when it can take place. It may be that he will not be in a position to do so by the next Budget.

Mr. Deputy-Speaker (Colonel Sir Charles MacAndrew)

We are discussing the Schedule on the Order Paper at the moment.

Sir T. Moore

I would, therefore, suggest that instead of this Schedule, which is a most unsatisfactory way of carrying out the Chancellor's own desires, by the next Budget, if not sooner, he will draft another Schedule which will give effect to what he wants to do, and what the House and the cinema industry wants, and also what the unfortunate exhibitor wants.

Schedule read a Second time and added to the Bill.