HC Deb 12 December 1950 vol 482 c981
Mr. Churchill

I wish to ask a question of the Lord President on Business. I had understood that it was the wish of the Government, or their proposal, to make some tribute on the loss through death of Colonel Oliver Stanley, and that that was going to be today; but I understand that with the Prime Minister's statement, which we are all awaiting, it might be more fitting that it should be done tomorrow. Would that be in accordance with the wishes of the Government?

Mr. H. Morrison

I need not assure the right hon. Gentleman that every one of us, to whatever party we belong, deeply deplores the passing of a brilliant Parliamentarian. But my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister returned only this morning, and as the precedents are a little uncertain as to these matters of procedure and respect we thought it would be better to give my right hon. Friend a chance to consider the matter between now and tomorrow. The right hon. Gentleman can be quite sure that we are not wishing to be in any way difficult about the matter and, of course, we will bow to the general wish of the House, but these are matters upon which precedent has to be watched a little. If the right hon. Gentleman will be good enough to leave it till tomorrow, no doubt the Prime Minister will convey his views to the right hon. Gentleman for the information of the Opposition.

Mr. Churchill

We shall be quite content to wait until tomorrow, as this is obviously not a matter about which there can be controversy, whatever feeling is entertained as a result of a particular course taken or not taken.