HC Deb 26 April 1950 vol 474 cc948-9
43. Mr. Edward Davies

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will make a statement on recent events in Nigeria which led to the suppression of the Zikist Movement.

Mr. J. Griffiths

The Governor of Nigeria, in Council, has declared the so-called Zikist Movement an unlawful society under Section 62 of the Criminal Code. In announcing this decision, the Governor stated that conclusive evidence had been obtained that the Movement, which has a small membership of a few hundred people, is an organisation which seeks to pursue seditious aims by lawlessness and violence. He added that the purposes and methods of the Movement are dangerous to the good government of Nigeria. This action has been taken by the Governor with the unanimous advice of his Executive Council, including African members. The matter is one for the Governor in Council to decide, but I agree that where there is evidence of incitement to disorder and violence such action is justified.

Mr. Sorensen

Has my right hon. Friend information to show that Dr. Azikiwe has nothing to do with this movement, that the Zikist Movement itself is a breakaway from the National Council for Nigeria and the Cameroons, and has nothing to do with the former body?

Mr. Griffiths

Dr. Azikiwe has announced publicly that he is not the founder of this Movement and does not support it.