HC Deb 25 April 1950 vol 474 cc750-1
3 and 4. Mr. Iain MacLeod

asked the Minister of National Insurance (1) with which countries reciprocal arrangements for National Insurance benefits have been made;

(2) with what countries negotiations are now taking place with a view to establishing reciprocal arrangements under the National Insurance Scheme.

Dr. Summerskill

Reciprocal arrangements have been made with five Governments, and negotiations for further agreements are taking place with three of them and with five others. With permission, I will circulate the details in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. MacLeod

Is the Minister aware that many English women whose husbands lived, for example, in New Zealand and who have returned to spend their widowhood in this country, are not able to draw the benefit to which they are entitled? Will she expedite negotiations. particularly with these Dominions?

Dr. Summerskill

We are very sympathetic, of course, with the needs of these women. We have already made reciprocal arrangements with New Zealand as far as family allowances are concerned. We are quite prepared to go further, if we can come to some arrangement which is mutually acceptable.

Mr. Russell

What steps will be needed to bring the Channel Islands into these reciprocal arrangements?

Dr. Summerskill

We are quite prepared to discuss the matter with the Channel Islands.

Following are the details:

Reciprocal arrangements are in operation with Northern Ireland and the Isle -of Man for National Insurance, Industrial Injuries Insurance, and family allowances; with the Irish Republic for sickness, maternity and unemployment benefits and for the insurance of seamen; with New Zealand for family allowances; and with France for National Insurance and Industrial Injuries Insurance. It is hoped that a multilateral agreement on social security, signed by the five Brussels Treaty Powers, will be ratified by this country next month. Negotiations are taking place for further agreements with Australia, New Zealand, the Irish Republic, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Denmark.