HC Deb 04 April 1950 vol 473 c1011
74. Mr. Prescott

asked the President of the Board of Trade what factors, irrespective of balance of payment reasons, prevent the importation into this country of finished Japanese textile products.

The Secretary for Overseas Trade (Mr. Bottomley)

As the importation of finished Japanese textile products for the United Kingdom market is completely prevented by balance of payments considerations alone, the need to consider other factors does not in practice arise at present. The question of what policy we should adopt towards such imports, were payments difficulties to disappear, is one which His Majesty's Government would have to decide in the light of all the circumstances then prevailing.

Mr. Prescott

May I take it that His Majesty's Government will not allow this country once again to be flooded with finished Japanese textile products?

Hon. Members


Mr. Bottomley

I thought the answer was contained in the latter part of my reply.