HC Deb 31 October 1949 vol 469 c38
57. Mr. Bramall

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he is satisfied with the conduct of the recent trial in the British zone of Germany in which men found guilty of murdering the former mayor of Aachen because of his co-operation with the Allies were sentenced to periods of imprisonment varying from four years to 18 months; and whether any representations have been made to the German authorities.

Mr. Mayhew

I would remind my hon. Friend that the German authorities alone are responsible for trials of this kind. The answer to the second part of the Question is, "No, Sir."

Mr. Bramall

Is it not a fact that by the Occupation Statute His Majesty's Government retain control over those matters connected with the suppression of Nazism, and is the trial not further evidence that these activities of the Nazis in this political terror do, in fact, enjoy the continuing support of many German authorities?

Mr. Mayhew

We certainly have overriding powers in the Occupation Statute, but my right hon. Friend does not feel justified in invoking them in cases of this kind.